Version 0.10 (23/11/2022)
Base URL:
Except where otherwise noted, all calls to the EarthFoodSecurity API require authentication, provided by Firebase Authentication. API clients can use one of the available versions of the Firebase Authentication client: iOS, Android, web/Node.js (firebase
module in npm), C++, Unity.
To configure Firebase Authentication for EarthFoodSecurity:
const { initializeApp } = require("firebase/app");const { getAuth, signInWithEmailAndPassword } = require("firebase/auth");initializeApp({apiKey: 'AIzaSyBxz3c_G0A-_4YdKAfplCy6ZSYWkhoo3HY',authDomain: '',projectId: 'snapearth-7d3c3',storageBucket: '',messagingSenderId: '1014088494857',appId: '1:1014088494857:web:60b38dd578bc9fd0afedd8',});
To sign in, use the email and password method:
const auth = getAuth();await signInWithEmailAndPassword(auth, email, password);
After sign-in, you’ll need an ID token to use the EarthFoodSecurity API:
const token = await auth.currentUser.getIdToken();
Tokens are short-lived (1 h), so make sure to get a new token before the old one expires. There are multiple ways to do it, but probably the simplest one is to force generation of a new token with a periodicity slightly below 1 h:
setInterval(async () => {const token = await auth.currentUser.getIdToken(true);/* store in local state... */}, 55 * 60e3);
Make sure to include a valid ID token in the Authorization
header of all calls to the API:
Authorization: Bearer <token>
JSON is used in the body of API requests and responses. Errors returned by the API are also in JSON format.
Successful requests return a 200
status code. The response body is formatted in JSON and has the form:
Singular endpoints (e.g. /api/:version/me
{"result": {// ...}}
Plural endpoints (e.g. /api/:version/jobs
{"results": [{// ...},{// ...},{// ...}]}
Failed requests return a status code following convention (3xx
for redirections, 4xx
for client errors, 5xx
for server errors). The response body is formatted in JSON and has the form:
{"errorHttpStatusCode": 400,"errorCode": "INVALID_QUERY","errorDescription": "Detailed description"}
Most endpoint URLs have the form /api/:version/...
. The version
parameter is related to a set of guaranteed query parameters and result attributes. Legal version
values and whether they are deprecated are included in the endpoint documentation.
New query parameters or result attributes may be added without affecting the endpoint version, but not removed. Versions -v0
are an exception to this rule.
Note: The general EarthFoodSecurity API version (X.Y
) may change due to bug fixes or additional response attributes without affecting endpoint versions.
All dates are formatted in ISO8601, UTC time.
Name | Type | Validation | Description / comments |
id | string | required | Primary key (Firebase Authentication’s user ID) |
createdAt | date | required | server-set Date-time of creation |
email | string | required, unique | Email address |
givenNames | string | required | Space-separated names |
familyName | string | required | |
isAdmin | boolean | required, default false | Whether User is EarthFoodSecurity admin |
Name | Type | Description / comments |
id | string | Primary key (UUID v4) |
createdAt | date | Date-time of creation |
name | string | Descriptive job name |
isRecurring | boolean | Whether this is a recurring job |
parameters | object | Dictionary of job input parameters (productType, depth, aoi, startDate, endDate, periodicity) |
status | Status | Latest job status (only in summary view) |
jobStatuses | Status[] | List of the history of job statuses (only in detail view) |
jobOutputs | JobOutput[] | List of job output files |
Name | Type | Description / comments |
id | string | Primary key (UUID v4) |
createdAt | date | Date-time of creation |
statusCode | string | Job status code (legal values: QUEUED , PROCESSING , FINISHED ) |
statusString | string | Job status information (optional) |
Name | Type | Description / comments |
id | string | Primary key (UUID v4) |
createdAt | date | Date-time of creation |
format | string | Output file format (e.g. “GeoTIFF”) |
label | string | Descriptive output file label |
url | string | HTTPS URL of the output file |
Returns the currently logged-in User.
Versions: web-v0
Query options: none.
Returns a list of the existing jobs (in summary view) for the current user.
Versions: web-v0
Query options: none.
Returns a detailed view of the job specified by ID.
Versions: web-v0
Query options: none.